Romane Donadini
SEO Specialist

As far as I can remember, I have always liked words. Big fancy words –in all fairness, many fit that category when you are eight. Finding the perfect word to talk about something was somewhat exhilarating back then.
Years later, when it was time to choose a college major, it only made sense that I would turn toward a profession that would allow me to use and play with words daily. That’s how I landed on Journalism as my career path.
Just like I liked writing in French (my mother tongue), I also had a passion for another language, English. This being said, any person raised in France will know that the way we are taught foreign languages leaves a lot to be desired. To put it plainly, it quite sucks. Lucky for me though, I had a thing for the American culture and consumed a lot –really, a lot– of content in English from YouTube (It was also the golden age of old-school beauty gurus, and I relished it). That helped me tremendously and allowed me to manage the language well. Well enough at least to be accepted in the BA Journalism program of an American university.
Five years later, I came back home with a Bachelor’s degree, a life partner, and a dog. My traveling adventures did not stop there, though; they took me to Amsterdam, where I pursued an MA in New Media & Digital Culture.
As I was finishing my thesis and looking for a job, I came across SEO or Search Engine Optimization. A new world kind of opened up; one where words were given a new role. Not only did they express emotions and transmit ideas, but they now also had the power to affect how websites and their content ranked online. It added a new layer of fun for me.
After learning as much as I could about this new topic, I joined the growing international team of a famous Dutch department store as an SEO copywriter. I later moved on to the role of SEO specialist, which was a great opportunity but lacked the creative aspect of copywriting. So, learning that my journey there, and that of many of my colleagues, was over because of a company reorganization several years later brought about a bittersweet feeling.
Between the layoff and the fact that I now had a baby girl, I chose to go the freelancing route. Offering everything from SEO strategy to content creation services, this change allowed me to bring copywriting and creativity back to my work, which I was very pleased about.
Switching to freelancing also led me to work with Miyagami, as the company needed new SEO-optimized blog posts for its website. After several successful months of collaboration, I was offered the opportunity to join the dynamic, innovative, and ever-growing team from Miyagami as an in-house SEO specialist.
Accepting the offer felt like the natural next step in my professional journey. Joining Miyagami was not just about continuing my work in SEO; it was about becoming part of a team that values creativity and innovation and is honestly a lot of fun.
If I had to reflect on my path, it is clear that words have remained the constant thread running through every chapter of my (professional) life. And, I am now thrilled to bring this passion to Miyagami.